Fascinating Art

B2. Fascinating Fractals

Electric Sheep

Mind blowing colourful beauty 1080HD. Real fun: 2m10 Pink Floyd's clocks ? Further superb images at  7m20, 11m0 & 14m0.

By Scott Draves  (2h03)

I’m fascinated by art in all its glorious forms. We human beings are gifted with great talents. Art can be expressed in as many ways as there are humans. This page is split into parts: conventional and technical computer generated.    BTW Please don’t miss the explanation of the Mandelbrot set at the end of Section B.


This 3D HD by a collaboration of 50 artists I particularly love. Don’t hesitate to jump forward a few mins in places if you feel the need. Quite like being on a Salvador Dali planet sometimes and claimed by some to be the best on the internet.


This by Lisandro Sabio is similar but IMHO not as good:  Universo Fractal


Trip To Centre Of The Hybrid Fractal

A pleasing visit to a futuristic Death Star by Krzysztof Marczak


Musicians With Guns - Cometa

Starting to play with defocus in 3D by Socialmusic.


A Journey Through Fantasy -Vorticity

Really trying to be different in 3D. Short and sweet by Madman01291

(sadly lots of video encoding bandwidth errors 1m23)

Fractals Remixed Vol.1

A compilation of other people’s 3D imagery by Webfractals


At The Heart Of The Holy Box

A very fast zoom through a world of spheres and webs by bib993. Gets better as it goes.


Surface III: A Tonal Triptych

This is much more organic than many of the others. Excellent lighting effects by Truman Brown.


Fascination Danger. No Rest Outside Of Enlightenment

A spikey world of danger by Arthur Stammet.


3D Animated Fractals

Beautiful like coral (but only short). Subtle but accurate lighting by KompAddicted.


The Fractal Cathedral

I find the severe defocus effects very distracting but you may like them. I do like the origami like look again by Arthur Stammet.


IFS Fractal Morph And Flight

Attractive, colourful and trendy (but again only short). Unusual in that there are many disconnected unique fractals. Nice defocus and desaturation with depth by Krzysztof Marczak. I’ve watched this many times.


Fractal Lab Demo

Completely unique and user controlled. I’m so impressed how fast the technology is moving on. Tom takes us through his ongoing development project. What’s mind blowing is this is written to run in a web browser IN REAL TIME so his code is all about the efficiencies of light rendering. Not only are the fractals surprising, both industrial and organic, but the colourfulness and lighting are spectacular -all at the touch of a slider control. This is back in 2015. Not to be missed.

By Tom Beddard (16m31)

It is said that Mathematics is beautiful. I thought so at school but many hated it. The moving computer images linked here are the epitome of that notion actually brought to our eyes. I have a large Smart TV and I suggest that these are viewed that way -perhaps even in a darkened room.

Like In A Dream -3D

This by Jeremie Brunet is gothic and organic (4m35).

These by Arthur Stammet are similar but IMHO not as good:

(16m05 and 9m30)

and this by Arkady Green is more about the music:


FreeArt.com  - So Much Choice But Little To Pay

A completely new website (as of April 2018) offering free 10 x 8” prints. You pay $1.99 p&p in US or $8.99 to other countries and they do the rest. There’s no catch they just want you to be so impressed with the quality that you will buy the more impressive larger sizes printed on photopaper, canvas wrap, acrylic or metal from a choice of over 33,000,000 images.

Click here

If you have any problems please contact me.

This is a commercial website.

DMT Visuals

Obviously not just one branch of maths utilised here but a whole host of concepts and dreams. If you are disturbed by snakes this has them too. Yes this is named after the Dimitri ‘vitamin’. Exceedingly creative but this is the only one Viking1971 has uploaded.



Hidden Dimensions

This is a huge body of work and must’ve taken months of planning and then more months of rendering. It contains many, many organic rainforest like scenes, industrial planetscapes and this peering into lakes with real reflections. It may be long but it is so fulsome. Let the audio lose on your Surround Sound system and you’ll be in cloud cuckoo land (1h48).

Another brilliant render is here: Mind-melting Psychedelic Visuals.

I salute you Trippy Everything.

B. Electronic Art

A. Conventional Art

A1. History Of Art

Boundless Online Learning

A staggeringly vast resource which, under their remit, is “to remain free in perpetuity”. See ~160 subjects:

     History Of World Art

Some of their material is formated for tablets and iBooks. They also appear to introduce subjects for qualified teachers to add their examples and expertise to. Thirty Powerpoint presentations are listed here: Lecture Slides

C. Quality Free Images

Wifi Painting

Technically tricky to do but Jørn Knutsen maps WiFi strength by long exposure photography and the results are beautiful. I’m surprised by this meeting of science and art by the Oslo School Of Architecture & Design (5m).

(see also: Background To The Project)

B1. Using Immaterials

A2. Modern Sculpture

The King Of Kinetic Art

The craftsman David Roy has been selling wind up wall sculptures for 40 years. [Click on image to follow link]

YouTube features kinetic sculptures although I find many quite annoying:   Fullest Collection Of Kinteic Art (YT 3h05)

Mechanical Art & Design

The UK has the MAD Museum dedicated to this artform in Stratford-upon-Avon:  [Click on image to follow link]

The TripAdvisor reviews are brilliant, and I’d agree, so I feature many photographs here:  MAD Museum Photo Vault

Light Painting

Rod Evans gives a quick heads up how to make the sweetest long exposure pictures easily (1m06)

Light Painting Tutorial

Jason Rinehart’s Light Painting Hacks shows how easy it is to set up the camera and what’s attached to it using: fishing string, plastic sheet, filter gels, foggy lens, holographic paper, sharpie pens, aluminium foil, a glass tumbler, plastic square box and a spray bottle. In another video he reminds what I consider to be the best tip of all: do it when it’s foggy and/or wet or set up a fog machine when there’s no wind (9m).

Light Painting Ideas

Jordi Koalitic takes light painting to a whole new level. He really has got it -but this level of success requires careful planning and the right long exposure camera to achieve: rainbow brush, sparkling shower, mobile zoom trail, spiral sparkling cascade, pencil crayon trifle, bicycle burn off, remote control revelation, glowing tunnel of dreams, motorcycle burn out, and page turn cage  (4m30).

He and his brother are full of ideas see his:  Creative Photography Channel

Numberphile: What’s So Special About The Mandelbrot Set by Ben Sparks - Fractals For Dummies.

Of course if you’re in the least bit interested in these swirling pictures (above) then you might be curious as to how they are formed. And then you might think that they are so complex I couldn’t possibly understand their underlying maths. Can I suggest that you don’t write yourself off just yet. If your eye can join dots together to make a shape perhaps Ben Sparks here can show you when a set of numbers extends to infinity or settles down to a simple number. He plots his area of ‘stability’ in two dimensions on a graph -by adding a small constant suddenly it’s not a circle anymore but a swirling beautiful array of circles within circles. He explains that Gaston Julia and Benoir Mandelbrot were not geniuses just rather observant. Ben’s comfortable new look at how the fractal adventure all started is so digestably refreshing.



Click on image to follow link..

Click on image to follow link..

Click on image to follow link..

Click on image to follow link..

Site temporarily suspended (Dec2021)

How To Make 3D Fractals by Code Parade

A quick introduction to Ray Marching - an improvement and more processor efficient than Ray Tracing.


See also:

Python Coding Basics by InvalidEntry

I find this guy quite annoying but he does at least introduce one to the coding that needs considering if you choose to do it yourself   (47m05)   Beginners Guide to the Mandlebrot Fractal with Python & Underlying Theory

Chill Space

This is another collection of very diverse visuals often exploiting the movement of one body within another and brilliantly done. This is the first time I’ve seen bugs exploring inside a body-like inner world. It’s a relatively short video but crammed with good ideas not just the one you see here. There’s even a coloured lightning sequences, which push YouTube MPEG4 to the limit, best viewed in a darkened room.


Last update: 27/09/2024


Surrealism art explained

Max Ernst

His life explained by Anne Umland through his 100 pieces of work displayed at New York’s Museum Of Modern Art